
A Fresh Approach to Music-Streaming in MENA: Eddy Maroun of Anghami [Wamda TV]

Eddy Maroun, co-founder of Anghami, describes his new web and mobile music-streaming platform designed to meet the demand in MENA for legitimate music services. He describes Anghami as an “unlimited music experience that allows users to have access to Arabic and international music.”

Anghami is developing its own unique technology platform by first securing diverse content and then building complex streaming technology to have an innovative and fresh user interface. Maroun explains that they are “pirating the pirates” by having a legitimate and easily accessible platform. They will also be focusing on creating a localized experience for users by tapping in to social networking to facilitate local content for each country.

Most consumers in the region have no legitimate music services in MENA; Anghami wants to solve this problem. They have an ambitious project, but there is a real need for the service.

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