
Why contacts are more important than wealth: a chat with Keith Ferrazzi, Part 2 [Wamda TV]

After writing a piece on tips for networking, drawn from Keith Ferrazzi's famous book Never Eat Alone, Wamda contributor Nafez Dakkak sat down for an interview with the man himself.

In the first part of the interview, Ferrazzi discussed why the book has broad appeal; here, in part two, he explains why building relationships are important, and why "being liked" in the workplace is important for one's career, as it indicates trust, sharing a strategic point of view, and having mutual respect. 

He also explains why it's critical to learn relationship skills through experience, and why a wealth of contacts is more important than financial wealth. Societies that don't allow for enough fluidity within networks risk creating entrenched systems of poverty, he points out. "Through the creation of have and have nots, we are creating social glass ceilings." 

For more, see our other segments: 
Part 1: Build relationships before you do business
Part 3: Why cultivating vulnerability helps business

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