3 tips for a successful mobile advertising campaign

Mobile advertising has fast been gaining momentum in the region, growing at a rate of 77% this year only. While many may still find them irritating, more and more mobile users in the Middle East are clicking on ads they see on their mobile devices.
Based on the results of a recently published study from the Dubai-based IFOP analytics agency for the digital security firm Gemalto, mobile phone users in the Middle East are the most likely to be affected by mobile ads when approached in the right way.
The study revealed that 60% of people surveyed said they would react in a positive way towards mobile advertising messages; in the UAE, a whopping 83% of people who had received mobile ads expressed a potential to click on relevant ones. Someone who chooses to click on an ad has more interest - and potential to buy - than one who simply drives by one on the road. Mobile advertising may be a powerful new way to connect with customers, if a business can harness it.
Here are 3 tips for launching a successful mobile advertising campaign:
Ask for permission first
Before you can reap the benefits of mobile advertising, you first need to get the user's permission to send them ads. 72% of those surveyed in the study preferred to be asked for permission before receiving any ads on their phones, and 73% preferred the advertising message to include a clear and simple way to stop receiving ads.
Target the right customer
A stay-at-home mom with a new baby probably would be more interested in an ad for diapers than one for off-road motorcycles. Targeting one's customer is as critical in mobile advertising as it ever has been. Companies in the region, like WebTeb, have operated successful ad campaigns by targeting the right audience. A company's chances of getting a positive reaction from customers depends on providing them with some kind of personal gain, said 76% of respondents.
Use different formats
Mobile messaging can be used in more ways than one. In addition to sending direct ads, companies can send news updates regarding their business, as well as offers and coupon codes to loyal customers. Any way to engage with your potential new clientele, and keep them interested, has the potential for a big payoff.
Check out IFOP's full infographic below, or click here to see a larger size.