Startup Weekend Cairo 2012 Team List

Below is a list of prize winners and team that competed at Startup Weekend Cairo 2012.
First Prize, winner of Best Mobile App award from Nokia, and Nokia Mobile Labs Incubation award: - Website & mobile app delivering Arabic comedy content
Second Prize, winner of Innoventures Incubation award, and Nile University 50% MBA award:
Grabits - Customer survey collection management site and app
Third Prize, winner of Innoventures Incubation award, and Microsoft award: - Domestic odd-job
marketplace, for web and mobile
Parents As Teacher - Parent education portal, delivering content on children’s education
Ask Native Companion - Mobile app to facilitate language learning exchange
Social News - News aggregation based on friends’ Facebook and Twitter feeds
Automobile - Car maintenance management app
Give 2 Get (G2G) - Student knowledge-sharing social network
E7gezly - Cross-industry reservation service
Madrasty - School information and management portal
Wareiny - Hi-tech “Seeing-Eye” service for the blind (the only project with a hardware element)
Net3DMall - Virtual 3D mall app for existing mall
Remember It - Cloud-based backup/restore of sensitive mobile phone data