ArabWIC 5th Annual International conference on Arab Women in Computing [Call for Applications]

The ArabWIC 5th Annual International Conference on Arab women in computing will be taking place on August 10 - 12 at the American University of Beirut.
The conference will celebrate women in computing and technology from the Arab world, and create bridges to the rest of the global tech ecosystem. Around 500 stakeholders, professionals, entrepreneurs, and academics will gather to network and share the latest trends in the global tech and entreprenruship scene.
The three-day event will revolve around a number of panels, discussions, keynotes and workshops, where attendees will address head on the issues facing women in tech globally. The second and third days will culminate with a career fair and a hackathon on social entrepreneurship, respectively.
For a chance to speak or conduct a workshop at the conference, submit your work and research here before May 20.
Those interested can register to one of two tracks:
1- Research Track: contemporary research papers and technical presentation abstracts from all areas of computer science, computer engineering, and any technology related fields.
2- Technology and Applications Track: technical lightning talks (5 minute talks), presentation abstracts (15 minute talks & demos that will be organized into clusters by theme), hands-on workshops (up to 1-2 hours) that relate to business, commerce, and industry (startups as well as established corporations) or government initiatives across the MENA region.
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