cewas Startup Program 2017

cewas Middle East will be launching their startup program in sustainable water, sanitation and resource management for Jordanian entrepreneurs.
Over the course of one year, up to 15 entrepreneurs will be trained and supported in the formation of their business or project, with the help of advanced training modules, business coaching and
The program is a year-long course with advanced training modules, divided as such:
- Module 1 (August 3-6, 2017): Business Model - From idea to business
- Module 2 (September 27- October 1, 2017): Marketing and Testing
- Module 3 (October 19 - 22, 2017): Finance and Business Plan
- Individual Coaching (until April 2018): Ongoing practical support
- Networking / Events
To be considered for the cewas Middle East Start-Up Programme, applicants have to submit a complete application form by July 15, 2017. A maximum number of 15 entrepreneurs will be selected to attend this year’s program.
Criteria for participation:
- Applications must be submitted by an individual, group, organisation or an institution.
- Applicants are current residents of Jordan.
- Interest in engaging others towards environmental sustainability must be clearly outlined.
- Submitted idea is fresh and provides an innovative approach to substantially, solving the water, wastewater or waste management crisis in Jordan.
- Good command of English (cewas Middle East trainings are held in English.
- Applicants are able to participate in the cewas Middle East start-up programme 2017/18, including 3 training modules from August to October 2017 (followed by a 6 months coaching period)
For more information about the program and application process, please visit here: https://cewasmiddleeast.org/start-up-programme/jordan/