Mobilizing for Gaza: Creating Jobs for Palestinians

The genocide in Gaza is an assault on every facet of life and society. Entire sectors have been decimated, universities razed, and livelihoods eradicated. Supporting the people of Gaza in this crisis is a multi-pronged effort ranging from immediate humanitarian needs to providing avenues to resume education and employment.
Those who have made the devastating decision to leave Gaza are faced with the monumental challenge of rebuilding their lives after months of traumatic dispossession. Rising settler violence in the West Bank and the ripple effect on Palestinian movement and employment have also exacerbated economic conditions. An estimated 468,000 jobs in Gaza and the West Bank have been lost since October 2023.
Digital work has long been a viable means for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to circumvent the limitations imposed by the Israeli occupation, participate in the global economy, and earn meaningful incomes. That avenue still holds promise for Palestinians in this time of immense need.
We are hosting a webinar to take a deeper dive into the initiatives underway that are creating immediate job opportunities for Palestinians.
Joining us for this important conversation are two Palestinian job creators who are delivering innovative initiatives that invest in Palestinian talent while creating dignified employment opportunities: Abeer Abu Ghaith, founder of MENA Alliances, Jafar Shunnar, co-founder of TAP, and Fadi Issawi, co-founder of HopeHub.
This conversation will be moderated by Lama Amr, co-director of BuildPalestine.