
Wamdat Inspire Talk at CoE E-Commerce: Iyad Kamal of Aramex [Wamda TV]

At CoE E-Commerce in June, Iyad Kamal, COO of Aramex International, delves into the trends that Aramex is seeing in MENA e-commerce.

Based off of data collected in 2011, some of the trends may surprise you. With over 600,000 shipments last year, Aramex is noticing some interesting patterns in e-commerce consumption. He reveals the top items purchased online, the peak seasons for e-commerce and why the launch of certain products increases regional e-commerce as a whole, the top country markets for e-commerce, cash on delivery vs. online payment, a “50-50” market trend in Saudi Arabia, credit card penetration, and return policy trends throughout the region.

Kamal finished his discussion by revealing Aramex’s  next project, the Middle East eShopper Index to continue to document and make MENA e-commerce market trends available to others. Check out Kamal’s talk to see if these trends affect you and how e-commerce startups can benefit from knowing the best times to sell and who to target in their business model.

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