
5 tips for relaxing this holiday season


5 tips for relaxing this holiday season

Happy holidays from Wamda! Whether you're celebrating Christmas today or unwinding during the winter lull, remember to schedule time off. These five tips from a Forbes writer are a great reminder that undertaking a large, longterm project like building a business (or, in her case, writing a book) requires time off for sanity. Here are her five tips (read the original article here):

  1. Schedule it. No matter whether or not you think you need a break, schedule fun or relaxation activities in advance and stick to them.
  2. Double the break you think you need. I know how this goes, “Sure, I’ll take a break — I’ll give myself a whole hour off!” Not good enough. Whatever the break you think you need, double it. You are most likely underestimating the toll that all of your hard work is taking on your body and mind — even if you’re having fun.
  3. Enlist family and friends. If you schedule a weekend get-away with family or friends, you’ll have no excuse but to unplug. Family and friends can be great accountability buddies for taking the breaks you need.
  4. Make a list of the benefits of R&R, and brainstorm your favorite rejuvenation activities. I know that even after reluctantly taking a break, I will come back refreshed, more cheerful and more creative — which puts me in an even better position to do my best work once I’m back at it. Making a list of the benefits will help motivate and remind you to actually take the breaks you’ve set-up. 
  5. Break down your biggest goals into achievable, measurable chunks and reward yourself often! For every day that you make a massive to-do list, add a “reward” item at the end that brings you joy. Maybe it’s reading a book, a gossip magazine, or going out to dinner with a friend. For many of us, we only take breaks or celebrate when we hit the BIG goals — but those can take months to achieve. Instead, break them down into smaller parts and reward yourself for all of the smaller milestones you hit along the way.

What are your favorite ways to make sure you take time off? 

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