
BuBleik's Book Club: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

BuBleik is a platform that provides the basic business services to quickly and easily start doing business in Lebanon. It recently started hosting small-group workshops where various professionals in the society share their expertise and knowledge with distinguished entrepreneurs, leaders and individuals of the civil society.

After several months of free workshops, attendees created "BuBleik Book Club". This club invites anyone who is willing to dedicate himself for reading, discussing and sharing ideas to join the monthly meetings. In these meetings attendees will choose a book to discuss and learn new skills, get more insights and share ideas.

Now, BuBleik is inviting to their next meeting that will discuss “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book on Tuesday, January 20th 2015 at Bubleik, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon. Join the meeting for free here.

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