Tripoli Startup Forum 2017

Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club is organizing Tripoli Startup Forum, the annual conference for North Lebanon startups and the entrepreneurship ecosystem stakeholders.
The event targets the youth of Tripoli & northern Lebanon who are eager to launch their career and dive into the world of business.
The event will comprise of panels & talks, pitching, workshops, and an exhibition for participating startups.
The forum will take place on Friday June 30 starting from 3:00 pm at Rachid Karami International Fair, Tripoli.
The theme for this year is ‘Innovation, a key for economic empowerment’. The aim is to drive forward the entrepreneurial scene in the city and highlight the potential of startups by creating an open platform for networking and knowledge sharing across various parts of the country.
The event is marked by three main panel discussions:
‘Role of Support Organizations’
‘From Tripoli to the World’
‘Role of Startups in Tripoli’s Economic Vision’
To find out more about the forum and tickets, please visit here: