Tripoli Startup Forum 2018

Tripoli Startup Forum 2018 is the third annual exhibition for North Lebanese startups and the entrepreneurship ecosystem supporting organisations.
This year’s theme is titled ‘The Road Towards a Startup Ecosystem’, where a number of high-profile speakers will be discussing topics such as investment readiness, latest tech and business trends, as well as shifting the mindset of doing business in a city such as Tripoli, where traditional modes of commerce, trade, and banking still dominate.
The overall purpose of the forum is to drive forward the entrepreneurial scene in the city and highlight the potential Tripoli holds for startups and new businesses, through a networking platform and knowledge-sharing community.
The one-day event will take place on Saturday June 23, 2018 at Rachid Karami International Fair in Tripoli.
In addition to an exhibition of newly launched startups, the event will be marked by a series of workshops and pitching sessions.
Learn more and register here