Meet the Semifinalists from Google Ebda2

At Google's Ebda2 event this past Tuesday, the Egyptian start-up competition otherwise known as “Start With Google,” the 50 remaining competing semifinalists ptiches their prototypes to judges. Google hasn't announced the 20 finalists yet, but here is a list of the 50 they will choose from.
2olra2yak (Say Your Opinion) - Online discussion platform to share opinions and measure public sentiment. (My dream) - A social network to help people achieve their dreams.
Abu Erdan - A low-cost cloud-based platform that promises agri-businesses up to 50% savings on their resource usage.
AdCrwd – A regional platform that allows social media users to monetise their social network by placing paid ads in their social streams.
Agzakhana – An e-commerce site offering pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and information. Also included is PHMS, a pharmacy management software package that promises a 20% profit increase.
Alfarabi – An integrated global social medical network that enables all medical stakeholders to communicate and share.
Amnee (My Safety) – A mobile and web safety app, that aims to service individuals and enterprises that employ a security team, by allowing users to alert their safety network when there’s a problem.
Ana Academy (Me Academy) – An education portal providing professionally produced video tutorials on various subjects.
Ahdaf 3arabiya (Arabic Goals) – An Arabic portal that provides enriched Arabic content with the aim of developing the reading culture in Arabic peoples.
Bashar Soft – A recruitment and HR specialist software developer providing solution to increase the efficiency of companies’ recruitment and HR processes.
Bey2ollak – A crowd-sourced traffic information service.
Bosletak (Your Compass) – An online portal to help Arab students fulfil their educational and professional objectives.
Cartoon Hero – A kids and family entertainment site, where each child will have his/her own personalised 3D super-hero, playing mini-games in the virtual and real world.
CitJo – A platform to help citizen journalists monetise their video content.
Cloud Center – An online call centre platform to allow call center service calls to be taken by home-employed individuals.
Digital Egypt - An iPhone, iPad, and Android app displaying a map of Egypt with high resolution satellite imagery overlaidl, allowing you to search for local landmarks and view 360 degree panoramic views.
Egypt GIS Information Portal – A portal allowing users to visually locate and explore landmarks and real estate developments.
E-Teb (E-Medicine) – An Arabic medical portal allowing users to rate medical practices and build a medical history profile that can be shared.
Crowd Dynamics – Voices is a direct-democracy platform that utilises the wisdom of the crowds. E3mel 5er (Do good) is a charity platform that connects all stakeholders in the NGO field.
Ekhlass (Get Rid) – An online marketplace for users to sell their 2nd hand goods.
eTransparent – A secure, end-to-end auditable e-voting software & hardware system.
Gam3eya (Co-op) – Crowd-sourced personal loans portal, based on the traditional form known locally as gam3eya, no interest.
Group – A visual group story telling tool, allowing groups to easily bring together their social media freagments.
IntaFeen (Where Are You) – A location based mobile app, a bit like the Arab version of FourSquare, where users compete to become the Umda (mayor) of a place.
Iqraaly (Read To Me) – A web and mobile platform to convert written Arabic articles into audio files via human narration.
Janna Books (Heaven Books) – Digital Arabic interactive books for children, with games that help child development.
Karm Solar – Provide the Solar Management Interface that allows high-capacity solar water pumping technology to replace inefficient and polluting diesel based systems.
Ketaaby (My Book) – Provide Arabic interactive stories and fun learning apps.
KSearch – An innovative Arabic search engine by alKhawarizmy software.
Ma7lak (Your Shop) – A turn-key white label e-commerce solution for Arabic SMEs.
Madad – A social venture to bring together NGOs and donors.
Map Analysis Platform – Map analysis solution covering many layers e.g. irrigation/ population/ roads/ etc. to provide an accurate national decision making platform.
Mawazeen – A decision management platform that allows the comparing and evaluating of dissimilar issues on a rational basis.
Meastock – An online media brokerage website, with content focussed on the Middle East. Uploaders earn 35% commission.
MediaWave – A real-time mobile tagging technology targeting all radio and TV stations worldwide. A user tags live content by sending an empty SMS to the station.
We Care – An online hospital providing medical consultations and services to develop the level of the local medical culture.
OutBuy.Me – The gamification of the shopping experience. Like FourSquare where people “buy” instead of “check-in”. The objective is to out buy other followers to get rewards and recognition. Also providing a cross-brand universal loyalty programme.
Proxima – A health informatics platform, specifically designed for the Egyptian market, that aims to connect all medical stakeholders through a uniform and integrated platform.
Rawa7 (Go home) – An Egyptian public transportation route finder and management mobile and web app.
RecycloBekia – A mobile and web app to facilitate the collection and recycling of waste.
RIMPulse – An eHealth service comprising electronic medical records and medicine.
Sacha Books – A line of off-the-shelf interactive Arabic books, delivered using their own e-book-store.
SmarEd – An online interactive collaborative portal for students to complement their school education, delivering content based on the Egyptian curriculum, but also with the ability to include other curriculums.
SuperMama – An online mothering and parenting portal for the Arab world.
TeeksForGeeks – A cloud-based online platform to facilitate ICT information sharing and interactive training and collaboration.
The Home Page – An online hub connecting all stakeholders of the Egyptian furniture industry.
Mobile Brochure Builder – A web app that generates custom mobile brochure apps in just a few clicks.
Ubering – A gamified social interaction platform, users gain credit for sharing conclusions on news, with the aim of becoming experts in their areas of interest.
Wasalny – A crowd-sourced traffic information service. Its USP is the automatic traffic gathering capability of it mobile app.