Tahrir Academy Looks to Revolutionize Education in Egypt

Capitalizing on the momentum for social change in
post-revolution Egypt, one new online initiative has launched a
“revolution against the traditional concept of knowledge.”
Launched in February 2012, Tahrir Academy is an Egypt-based
non-profit “Videopedia” that aims to crowdsource knowledge and
brand itself as a non-traditional learning destination. The academy
relies on an engaged community and volunteers from various
backgrounds and age groups to design, review and deliver
educational audio and visual content for users.
The team holds that traditional education methods only generate
identical mentalities with stereotypical goals and visions,
spreading an outdated approach to education, says Seif Abou Zaid,
the CEO of the Tahrir Academy. A cookie-cutter education
doesn’t leave room for creativity or diversity and isn’t suited for
the abilities, skills and needs which vary from one learner to
Like its revolutionary namesake, Tahrir Academy is rethinking the
education process entirely; teachers, students, learning
environment, and the curriculum itself.
The Academy has published more than 100 educational videos on
topics including physics, astronomy, grammar, and even a chemical
experiments entitled Ma’mal Al ‘Ouloum (Science Lab) for
elementary and secondary school students, as often students don’t
get the chance to actually perform these experiments in school.
The videos are typically short and easily digestible, explaining
big topics with simple tools. In just their first year, more than
2.5 million viewers watched the Academy’s productions on its
YouTube channel. Now, the team hopes to
broadcast life classrooms and expand from YouTube to local TV to
make education more accessible to their audience.
Building Partnerships
Video e-learning is not new in Egypt; Khan
Academy, for one, well-known for its online education
options. But Tahrir Academy hopes to distinguish itself with an
original brand, unique scientific content, and Arabic content.
To create a balanced curriculum, partnerships will are key.
“Cooperation is critical for us,” says Abou Zaid.
The economics course the startup is publishing this month is a
collaboration with the House of
Wisdom Center for Strategic Studies, an Egyptian
research institution, while it collaborates with Injaz
Egypt for its entrepreneurship course, and has
previously worked with the American University in Cairo to prepare
its physics series.
Challenges & Future Plans
While Tahrir Academy received seed funding in its early stages, it
has been developing a business model that will allow it to produce
a educational videos for companies and institutions in return
for financial sponsorship. The team is also currently considering
crowdfunding for the project.
Soon, the startup also hopes to offer user-generated content as
well, offering users the ability to upload their own educational
content to make video learning even more interactive. A challenge
here will be ensuring video quality, but opening this option will
allow the platform to truly be community-based.
Tahrir Academy has big ambitions, and their platform is gaining in
popularity. Yet as with many social initiatives, a true change in
the education system will take time. “Social entrepreneurs need to
show some patience before they begin to feel the change they’re
trying to make,” says Abou Zaid.