Revolutionizing job training from Nairobi to Amman with SMS

The trouble with skill trainings in Kenya is that the workers who
need it the most don’t have time to attend, Evanna Hu tells me over
coffee in a bustling café in Amman, Jordan.
“They’re hustling to make a living,” she explains. Mostly working
throughout the day in the informal economy, selling vegetables and
other goods on the street, they often simply don’t have time to go
to the seminars that local NGOs and aid agencies offer.
That’s where g.Maarifa comes
in. Hu’s startup aims to tackle one of the planet’s largest
challenges – youth unemployment – with an SMS-based platform
that offers job training, evaluation, and placement from any
In a country where the 40% unemployment rate has been called a
time bomb,” and where 70% of the unemployed are between the
ages of 15 and 35, changing the status quo will mean reaching
potential employees on their own schedule, with a method that
doesn’t necessitate internet access, or even 3G, Hu says. For those
who are not just unemployed but also underemployed, SMS training
may be one of the few viable routes for accessing a new future.
Hu, an Asian-American entrepreneur who has lived on four
continents, seems fully at home rolling up her sleeves to work on a
potentially global solution to a critical issue. After graduating
from the University of Chicago, when she first began working in
Kenya, she and her business partner went to work to build a
data-driven solution that could interleave instruction, test
questions, and evaluation into SMS trainings, while tracking
learning with 36 different metrics.
In June 2012, after three months of development, the two founders
and their team of 10 launched a minimum viable product in the
Kenyan market. Two months later, they had around 3,000 potential
trainees on the waitlist. “Organizations began coming to us,
saying, ‘We hear you have a great platform. Can we adapt our
trainings for SMS?’” Hu recalls. A movement was born.
Today, g.Maarifa, which is named for the Swahili word for
'knowledge', has sent over 40,000 SMSs and served multiple
international clients, including NGOs, banks, and companies in
advertising, telecommunications, and insurance. While the startup
continues to offer soft skills trainings in retail, youth
empowerment, and financial literacy, it has pivoted to focus on a
B2B white label platform. Orion, as the platform is known, allows
businesses to conduct their own education programs and trainings
via mobile, with a format that g.Maarifa helps customize. Thus far,
g.Maarifa has placed the top 10% of its graduates in jobs.
The idea may be deceptively simple, but with a focused team, the
SMS-driven startup is poised to take over East Africa and the
Middle East. From its hub in Nairobi, the startup has bootstrapped
its initial seed investment to expand into East Africa and Tunisia;
Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and
Libya are next. This month, the founders are in talks with a
handful of corporations and organizations in the region, including
Ruwwad MicroVenture Fund, a Amman-based platform that supports
entrepreneurial initiatives.
The company also plans to continue expanding within Sub-Saharan
Africa and expand into India and possibly Latin America. “We have
first mover advantage in a hot space,” Hu points out. “We want to
get there before our potential competitors do and in a sense,
define the market.”
Indeed, the startup doesn’t have any immediate competitors in the
Arab world; its most well-known potential competitor,
Souktel, does not conduct trainings, instead using SMS to match
job seekers directly to employment.
However, Hu is well aware that g.Maarifa’s future competitors will
be companies that don’t even use SMS. While only 8.3% of the
population across the Middle East and Africa currently use
smartphones, that number has doubled since the end of 2012 and is
set to continue growing, according to
eMarketer. Total smartphone use will rise to an estimated
48% by 2016, according to
Discover Digital Arabia.
As more and more users go “straight to tablets,” Hu says, g.Maarifa
is already planning mobile and tablet applications to bring its
current customers “to the next stage,” especially as the company
expands into the Gulf.
Hu hopes to smash potential competition with a focus on excellent
customer service. “I’m crazy about Tony Hsieh and Zappos,” she
reveals. Drawing cues from her idol, Hu has set policies to ensure
that g.Maarifa responds to clients within eight hours, and
immediately resends SMSs that trainees have accidentally
The company’s biggest asset might not even be its data or software,
but the founders’ fierce dedication to solving one of the world’s
largest quandaries. By forming partnerships with the University of
Chicago, University of Toronto, and MIT’s Sloan School of
Management, Hu and her team attracted a steady stream of whipsmart
volunteers ready to advance a technology whose time has come.