Misk Global Forum 2017

Misk Global Forum is the flagship global platform of the Misk Foundation, a non-profit philanthropic foundation, aimed to discover, develop and empower Saudi youth to become active participants in the growing field of knowledge economy.
Established in 2016, the Misk Global Forum brings young leaders, creators and thinkers together with established global innovators to explore, experience and experiment with ways to meet the challenge of change.
This year’s forum is titled "Meeting the Challenge of Change” and will be taking place on November 15-16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
This year’s gathering will look across the spectrum of challenges in this change, unearthing the wealth of opportunities that exist within each, covering:
- Living: Whether it is health and wellbeing, social interactions, media consumption or smart investing, what will it take to have ‘the good life’ over the long term?
- Education: When change is constant, how can you establish a life-long learning process to sustain continuous progress and knowledge formation?
- Work: In the age of Artificial Intelligence, what new working structures will emerge? What is the payoff between more traditional forms of employment and the new more dynamic entrepreneurial and freelancing opportunities that will arise?
- Contributing: How can people engage with their surrounding communities to deliver sustainable impacts and create wider virtuous circles of development?
This year, the forum will be experience-centered, with participants designing their individual journeys and cocreate outcomes that can meet the challenge of change.
Find out how you can be part of this event and register today
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