Beirut Editors Lab Hackathon

On 27-28 April 2018, the Global Editors Network (GEN) will gather some of the best media innovators from the region at Flat6Labs in Beirut to develop innovative journalism prototypes during a 2-day hackathon which aims to ‘devise new ways to hold powers accountable for their actions and promises’.
Here’s how the hackathon works: Editors Lab will gather around ten teams from the region’s leading newsrooms for an intensive two-day hackathon. Each team consists of a developer, a journalist and a designer, who will collectively work on building a prototype for an innovative solution.
The prototype can take on many forms such as website features, experiments in interactive and visual journalism, apps, games or new tools for reporting.
Each hackathon has a central theme, such as disaster reporting, mobile-first news, building audience trust or newsgaming. During the hackathon, industry experts give workshops and mentor teams during the prototyping process. Teams eventually will pitch their prototypes to a jury who selects a winner to compete in the Editors Lab Final.
The jury brings Ali GHamloush from MBC Group, Evangeline de Bourgoing (GEN), Fawzi Rahal of Flat6Labs Beirut, and Henrik Grunnet from International Media Support (IMS).
To know more and register: