Jordan introduces e-commerce fees

Source: MenaBytes
Jordan Customs Authority last week has introduced new rules and custom service fee for personal online cross-border purchases of apparel and clothing, shoes, children’s toys and food items, made by citizens and residents in Jordan. Previously, the products purchased online from international ecommerce websites for personal use were exempt from customs fees.
Amazon (Global) and most of the other website don’t ship to Jordan but there are many third-party package forwarding services that have been facilitating these purchases through their online platforms. These online platforms including Aramex’s Shop and Ship provide users with a virtual address in the United States, United Kingdom or wherever the products are being purchased from that they can use when placing the orders. Once the products are delivered to this address, they’re forwarded to the customer’s doorstep in Jordan.
According to an email sent by Shop and Ship to its customers in Jordan, all the shipments that are valued under JOD 50 (USD 70) will be subject to JOD 5 (USD 7) customs service fee and the customers are required to declare these purchases on Jordan Customs Authority’s new Arabic-only (yes, you read that right. It is Arabic only) platform. In case the customer fails to declare the shipment on the platform, they will be charged three times of what they’re supposed to pay as customs service fee i.e. JOD 15 (USD 21).