6 crazy HTML5 websites that will blow your mind

Cross-posted from the original version published on Jihad Kawas’s Blog on September 3, 2013.
Editor’s Note: Jihad Kawas is an active member of Lebanon’s entrepreneurship community. Currently a student, he is a developer and has been an active participant at several Startup Weekend and other entrepreneurship events across the country. His post reveals some of the coolest and most amazing HTML5 experiences, or experiments, online today.
Check out his list below and try them out for yourself.
1. The Wilderness Downtown | Arcade Fire
The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive music
video for Arcade Fire’s song “We Used to Wait”. Visitors are asked
to input the address of the home they grew up in and then the site
uses Google Earth and HTML5 to create a personalized music video
that takes the user on a journey back home.
3 Dreams of Black uses HTML5 to promote Danger
Mouse and Daniele Luppi’s album Rome. The site creates a 3D
interactive world using WebGL where all the objects in the video
react to both the music and user inputs. The site will make you
feel as if you’ve experienced the song and not simply
listened to it.
This website uses HTML5 to allow users to take
an interactive stroll down one of the busiest streets in Zurich. A
fun experience that allows users a glimpse into what the future of
virtual tourism may look like, this page also serves as a possible
guide to a more intimate way for small business to advertise their
4. Soul Reaper
This scroll-activated digital comic book,
developed by Saizen Media, uses HTML5 to breathe some new life into
the presentation of graphic stories. The added motion and pacing
makes the static images and story seem to come alive in a way that
bridges between classic comics and video.
5. Universeries
Universeries is a reference site about
television producers and the shows they’ve created that illustrates
how HTML5’s data visualization tools can enhance static information
presentation. If you love TV and would like to find out more about
your favorite shows, there is no more entertaining way to do so
Adobe created the Expressive Web website to
highlight the functionality and creative potential offered through
the use of HTML5 and CSS3. Through various examples and code
snippets, this is truly the best “advanced” HTML5 user guide we’ve
seen. This site should be bookmarked by all HTML5 developers.