g|saudi arabia Returns This Weekend

Saudi techies get ready- this March, Google is once again hosting g|SaudiArabia.
The event aims to engage with communities of developers, business leaders, IT professionals and entrepreneurs who are passionate about technology. After holding g|jordan, g|egypt, and g|uae, Google is returning to Saudi Arabia for the second time, and, as announced yesterday, hosting a one day workshop event in Lebanon for the first time.
g|SaudiArabia, organized in collaboration with Badir Technology Incubator, will be held during two days on March 24- and 25 in Jeddah. The first day will be dedicated to hands-on training from Google engineers specializing in popular tools such as App Engine, Android, Chrome, HTML5, APIs, Maps, Google+ and Webmaster Tools. And the second day will focus on sessions for marketers, webmasters, and entrepreneurs. Technical and non-technical presentations will be delivered on AdWords, AdSense, Analytics, YouTube, as well as Google platforms, tips and trends.
Jeddah GTUG will also be hosting a one-day hackathon on March 26th. For more and to register for the hackathon, see here.
Interested techies should follow #gsaudiarabia on Google+ and head to the website to read more.