Weekly Wrap-Up: December 09-13

Throughout your entrepreneurial journey, you will often be reminded of why connections and mentorship are important. Support is equally as important. Let's start the Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility movement together!
Pic of the Week
What is entrepreneurship about? This week, we highlighted startups working for social good. When building an entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Arab world, the key word is support. Is your startup doing social good for others? Share with us here.
Upcoming Events
- 21 Dec – Startup Weekend Tripoli
- 31 Dec - King Abdullah II Award for Youth Innovation and Achievement
- 12 Jan - Finance for Entrepreneurs and SME's
Make sure to check wamda.com/events, or follow @WamdaME on Twitter to stay updated about more events you can!
Entrepreneur of the Week
This week's 'Entrepreneurs of the Week' are Sara Galal and Mohammad Badrah of Sweety Heaven, an 'positive reinforcement' online portal in Egypt for rewarding good child behavior. How can you use an online portal to reward your child for completing chores and tasks? Find out in our interview with them.
Articles you Might have Missed
Fadi Ghandour Announces Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility Movement
Yesterday, at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Dubai, Fadi Ghandour, CEO of Aramex and Chairman of the Board at Wamda, announced the 'Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility' movement, calling upon the private sector to throw its weight behind entrepreneurship. Find out how you can help build sustainable societies and joining the movement here.
15 Startups Doing Social Good in the Arab World
This week, Nakhweh Founder and CEO Kamel Al Asmar chose to highlight 15 startups seeking to do social good by positively impact their communities as well as empowering entrepreneurs. Check them out here.
Abu Erdan Helps Egyptian Farmers Find New Technologies and Techniques [Wamda TV]
There are more than 4.5 million farmers in Egypt, and Islam Khalil's Abu Erdan aims to be their electronic best friend by helping them know which brands, techniques, and suppliers offer the best products and the most affordable prices. But Abu Erdan also keeps track of key data relating to viruses, bacteria, and other external factors which present a risk to farming in Egypt. Find out more in our interview with Islam Khalil.
Visionary Palestinian Startup Goes Global with Touch Technology
Iris, a Palestinian startup offering interactive solutions, has just launched their "rooms of senses" therapy medium aimed at helping children and disabled individuals. The rooms are fitted with various interactive technologies aimed at stimluating the senses. What are they? Read about it here.
PPR Invests $13 Million in Rocket Internet to Support Namshi, Fashion Sites
In a move that earned Rocket Internet its first investment from within the fashion sector, PPR has just announced its $13 million in the holding company controlling Namshi and other retail fashion sites. Read more about it here.
Wamli Launches Quirky New E-Commerce Platform in Dubai
Wamli is a new e-commerce platform aiming to create a whole new level of customer experience. With your order comes the promise of a game-like loyalty program, strong sense of Wamli community, and last but not least, across the globe delivery between 3 to 7 days. Up for it? Find out more here.
KnowElectricity Teaches Pakistan About Energy Efficiency: Can It Become a Sustainable Business?
While there is no question about the potential for solar and wind energy in reducing costs, there is still a lot of confusion on how to tap into renewable energy resources and become more energy-efficient. That's just where KnowElectricity comes in. Read about how they plan to bridge that gap here.
Gaza's First Incubator Ramps Up, Giving New Hope to Local Entrepreneurs
Business and Technology Incubator (BTI) is Gaza's first incubator. Launched in 2006, it has already graduated 40 startups, and plans to add 20 more by the end of the year. So how does BTW manage to skip on equity stake in the companies it incubates and offers its services completely for free? Read about it here.
Wamda and Mowgli Foundation Announce Partnership to Bring Mentorship to Entrepreneurs
We've just announced a partnership with the Mowgli Foundation to offer mentorship to startups across the region, by featuring Mowgli mentors' experiences and expertise in video interviews on our site, as well as covering Mowgli events. Find out more here.
Arabia500 Announces the Fastest Growing Companies in the Middle East
During their pre-event to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Dubai, the AllWorld Network announced the fastest growing companies they identified in the Middle East, the Arabia500. Who made the cut? Find out here.
Entrepreneurs from Indonesia, Lebanon, Egypt, and Malaysia Win GIST Tech-I Competition 2012
The Global Innovation in Science and Technology (GIST) Tech-I 2012 Competition came to a close yesterday at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Dubai, winnowing 30 semifinalists from the Middle East, Africa, and Central and Southeast Asia down to four winners and one top female entrepreneur. Read more here.