A way forward in Egypt: Rise Up Summit galvanizes entrepreneurship by Tahrir Square

Tahrir Square will forever stand as a symbol of Egypt’s revolution
and its ongoing transformation, its power seared into collective
memory both by images of mass elation at the moment of regime
overthrow, and the haunting tales of violence that have followed.
While the roundabout itself holds no unique sway, it has become a
focal point for the world's lens on leadership in Egypt.
Last Sunday, the iconic location gained a new significance that
could shape it for decades to come, with the launch of Rise Up Egypt,
the country’s first major entrepreneurship summit, and the
unofficial inauguration of a new entrepreneurship center at The
GrEEK Campus.
Tahrir itself lay eerily quiet that day, thanks to military tanks
and barricades set up to stem potential demonstrations on the 100th
day after the incidents at the Raba'a mosque. Yet down the block
and around the corner from the dusty square, at the American
University in Cairo’s old campus (formerly The Greek Campus),
hundreds gathered to affirm a wholly apolitical movement.
Lead by tireless organizer Abdelhameed Sharara, with help from a
who’s who of startup supporters (the MIT Enterprise Forum, MC
Egypt, Endeavor Egypt, Cairo Angels, AUC’s Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Program, Cultark, Flat6Labs, Injaz Egypt, and Wamda),
Rise Up Egypt was, despite its challenges, a watershed moment.
Despite the surrounding military roadblocks and the fact that the
campus itself has lain dormant since 2008, the event definitively
established- if it was in doubt- that tech entrepreneurship is no
longer a fringe aspiration among Egypt's youth, driven by
accelerators and Startup Weekends. It’s now an unstoppable force,
led by founders of all ages and backgrounds, and affirmed by a new
home at the heart of Tahrir.
That home- now called the GrEEK Campus, with the emphasis on
“geek”- will need substantial renovation, but this is just the
beginning of what may be a lifetime achievement for Ahmed Alfi. The
generous, candid co-founder of accelerator
Flat6Labs and VC firm Sawari Ventures is
leasing the campus from AUC for the next 10 years (and beyond)
through Tahrir Alley Technology Park, an entity he’s created to
support a new five floor, 25,000 square meter space complete with
tech labs, meeting rooms, seminar halls, and glass-walled office
spaces. Come early 2014, the GrEEK Campus will be ready to host any
aspiring or established entrepreneur, while providing on-site
eating options and a nursery for families.
He hopes the space will "transcend politics," he's emphasized. What
the two-day conference offered was a glimpse into that imagined
future, when The GrEEK Campus’s full potential is realized; with
two full schools, a library, and recreation space, it could become
an entrepreneurship epicenter not just for Egypt, but for the
entire Arab world.
That may be a grand aspiration, but it suits a time of great need.
If Egypt’s entrepreneurs are to succeed, and rise above the
challenges that their ecosystem currently presents, they will need
the solidarity and education that perhaps only a complete campus
can provide.
Egypt's next generation of economic
As entrepreneurs and attendees ate shawarma and lounged on the
campus steps to watch inspirational talks organized by Endeavor
Egypt, a sense of student community was already in effect.
Venturing into the library, attendees watched panels and fired
questions at panelists on topics ranging from investment to
e-commerce, women in business, and the role of incubators,
accelerators, and government in entrepreneurship.
Business, however, isn’t driven by inspiration alone; entrepreneurs
also spent the two days earnestly pitching to investors at several
events, including a Hackathon, a
Cairo Angels pitch event, and the MC Egypt Agricultural
Business Plan competition.
At Wamda’s “Pitch n’ Mentor” advice session, we were impressed to
see that the session stretched to three hours as entrepreneur after
entrepreneur stood up to debut his or her idea and receive feedback
in a packed room. Afterwards, registered entrepreneurs pitched to
investors while riding around in a taxi in “Pitch n’ Ride”- another
unique Cairo touch.
For the most part, Egypt's more established startups revealed
growth despite the year’s challenges. While some of the Flat6’s
brightest tech stars, including
Instabug and
Integreight, were abroad, other changemakers like
education platform
Nafham, e-waste disposal company
Recyclobekia, and biotech company D-Kimia demonstrated their
progress, along with veterans Wasalny,
payment solution PayFort, about-to-launch
reality TV show
El Mashrou3, and Eventtus,
which organized and sold the event’s tickets, among
New innovators included Rooftops Egypt, a
company that builds gardens, gyms, and even coffeeshops on the
country’s neglected roofs, El 7esab, a mobile
payment system, and eye-catching 360-degree rendering platform
which displayed stunning interactive panoramas of Tahrir Square at
the height of the protests (although a B2B model ensures that their
revenue isn’t dependent on nostalgia).
Hipster fashion line NAS
Trends had a great booth at the front of the event,
featuring t-shirts and hoodies with jokes and cartoons, and several
others made an impression, including Elwafeyat, an online
obituary site whose early traction- while it may be proving the
viability of its model- can’t help but feel a touch macabre. New
Juicelabs made a splash, and others, like Jordanian
video how-to site Ekeif, looked to
strengthen ties with the Egyptian market, or, perhaps, the global
set of investors who joined for a solid Cairo Angels event.
Next steps
What Rise Up Egypt did well was debut the GrEEK
Campus to great fanfare, and establish Cairo Angels as an
investment community with clout. Now, the pressure is on for
ecosystem leaders to make the space a truly usable support system
for Egypt’s entrepreneurs.
But if anyone can do it, it’s Alfi, along with GrEEK Campus CEO
Tarek Ali Taha, and, perhaps, the spirit of leading Egyptian
economist Talaat Harb, whose birthday fell on the second day of the
That last visionary provided the event’s capstone moment. After an
MIT Enterprise Forum Google
Hangout with entrepreneurs across the Arab world and
leading thinkers in San Francisco, Boston, and Cambridge, Rise Up
Egypt debuted a film rendition of Harb, drawn from an old photo and
dubbed with a speech that brought the crowd to its feet with a
rousing invocation to embrace entrepreneurship.
At the end of two days, this may have been a simple trick, but it
demonstrated what sets Egypt apart, and what will surely continue
to galvanize The GrEEK Campus: unshakeable tenacity and a taste for
[For more photos, check out the Rise Up Facebook